National Upskilling Roadmap for Sustainability
Dermot Carey, Director of Safety & Training, CIF; Seamus Hoyne, Dean of Flexible and Work Based Learning, TUS; Sinéad Hughes, Programme Manager, IGBC; and Pádraig Boland, FET Strategic Manager, LOETB at the launch of the National Upskilling Roadmap 2023.

The much anticipated National Upskilling Roadmap for Sustainability in the Built Environment has been launched by Technological University of the Shannon (TUS), Irish Green Building Council (IGBC), Construction Industry Federation (CIF) and Laois and Offaly Education and Training Board (LOETB)

A National Upskilling Roadmap for Sustainability in the Built Environment has been developed as part of the EULife co-funded Build Up Skills Ireland 2030 (BUSI2030) initiative. It is the culmination of an 18-month research project to identify skills gaps and shortages in sustainable construction, led by the TUS in partnership with IGBC, CIF and LOETB.

Speaking at the launch, Seamus Hoyne, Dean of Flexible and Work-Based Learning, TUS, commented: “To meet our climate targets, it is essential that everyone in the construction supply chain understands the role they can play in decarbonising our built environment. Upskilling and training are required along each step of the chain from design through to procurement, installation and renovation/retrofit and operation.”

Initial research published by BUSI2030 in 2023 warned that the construction industry would require up to 120,000 additional skilled construction workers and building professionals, as well as the reskilling of 164,000 people already working in the industry by 2030 to meet our housing and climate targets.

The final report recommends that the construction industry embraces digitalisation, low-carbon construction and modern methods of construction (offsite and modular building) and that it focuses on improving the diversity of its workforce.

Key recommendations in the National Upskilling Roadmap 2030

The Roadmap makes a number of recommendations and calls for:

– A more efficient, well-governed and integrated construction skills ecosystem

– A short zero emission building (ZEB) fundamental training to be developed and rolled out at scale to improve quality assurance

– The launch of a national campaign to promote green construction careers

– The development of a public awareness campaign to encourage carbon literacy and encourage upskilling in the industry.

Seamus Hoyne added: “There are many great initiatives across Ireland aimed at upskilling the construction sector, attracting new workers, and developing green skills. However, the current skills ecosystem is highly fragmented. We must prioritise stronger collaboration and governance among everyone in the education and training sector to attract and train the workers we need to deliver on our climate and housing goals.”

Sinéad Hughes, Programme Manager, IGBC, commented: “There are a host of new European directives and regulations that will require us to construct and renovate our buildings in more sustainable ways. This provides us with a huge opportunity to get ahead of the curve when it comes to decarbonising our built environment, but we must upskill fast. In facing this challenge, we also have a fantastic opportunity to create high-quality, sustainable green-collar jobs at all levels across the country.

Dermot Carey, Director of Safety & Training, CIF, said: “One of the key challenges identified by the Roadmap is the need to better communicate on construction as an exciting career. Those joining the industry in the coming years will be doing so at a time of huge change, with an emphasis on digitalisation, modern methods of construction (MMC) and green skills. We need to communicate how innovative and exciting a career in construction can be to the public in addition to the current workforce.”


Pádraig Boland, FET Strategic Manager with LOETB, added: “The necessary development of a green construction sector requires far greater public awareness of the need for climate action in the built environment. The National Construction Training Campus at Mount Lucas has developed a suite of upskilling and reskilling programmes, which includes retrofit, ventilation, and MMC. But this is only the beginning – we must all work together to attract more people into this industry and greatly expand the range of training on offer.”


The National Upskilling Roadmap for Sustainability in the Built Environment document can be downloaded at

Irish Construction News, Latest, Sustainability