Construct Innovate has announced its second Seed Fund Call. The Seed Fund Call aims to promote collaborative, impactful projects initiated by industry members that can support organisations in the Irish construction sector with their organisational and sectoral challenges and create opportunities for innovation through research.
Construct Innovate Seed Fund Call
In the previous Seed Fund, 18 project applications were awarded funding. The research subjects include a wide range of areas of increasing importance to member organisations and the wider industry in Ireland. Awarded projects cover subjects such as certification, building regenerative towns and cities, mass timber construction, home user guides – urbanisation and sustainability, 3D printing from waste composites, mobile construction robot pilots, 3D concrete printing, commercialisation of low carbon cements, innovative use of polymers in micro tunnelling, decarbonisation of construction sites and deep and passive house retrofit.
This Seed Fund is open to Construct Innovate members only for projects up to €50,000. Project collaborators must include at least one Construct Innovate research performing organisation (RPO) member and one associate/patron member. The deadline for applications is 12 pm, 31 May 2024.
About Construct Innovate
Construct Innovate, Ireland’s national research centre for construction technology and innovation, is part of Enterprise Ireland’s industry-led Technology Centre Programme.
Launched in December 2022 with an initial funding of €5m over five years, it is hosted at University of Galway. The centre leverages the capabilities, facilities, and expertise available across its partner research performing organisations (RPOs), ie, University of Galway, Trinity College Dublin (TCD), University College Dublin (UCD), University College Cork (UCC), Technological University (TU) Dublin and the Irish Green Building Council (IGBC), as well as providing access to a broader network of European universities and research clusters.
Construct Innovate aims to provide industry-led, independent, evidence-based research through collaboration between industry members and the centre’s research-performing organisations. The centre’s brief focuses on devising solutions for key industry challenges. It will be at the forefront of research initiatives to meet the demands of the country’s major building and investment programmes.
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Details on previously seed-funded projects can be found at