Saint Gobain funded homeless project featured in new video

The Peter McVerry Trust has premiered the documentary entitled ‘Moving on’ which tells the story behind the nature of Irish homelessness. The film tells the stories of Emma (19) and Patrick (22). It charts their individual moves from a Peter McVerry Trust hostel to a redeveloped apartment building in Dublin 8. The film tackles the […]


Lighthouse Club named BMAP Expo 2015 chairty partner

The organisers behind BMAP Expo 2015 has chosen construction industry charity, The Lighthouse Club, as its charity partner for the 2015 event, which takes place on the 18th and 19th of November 2015 in the Citywest Hotel & Convention Centre. “We have made a commitment for an initial and significant donation already,” says BMAP Expo founder Tony […]


Accountants take to their saddles for charity

As part of Baker Tilly Ryan Glennon’s charity fundraising campaign 2015 the firm has combined fundraising with fitness and are taking to their bikes for the 3rd year in a row. On the 19th September the team will take to their bikes to complete the Wexford Welcome Home Cycle for the Peter McVerry Trust. George […]
