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Guaranteed Irish House

Guaranteed Irish House is a one-stop shop of Irish-produced construction products for specifiers. It includes all the elements of the supply chain required for a building, from raw materials to final furnishings, which can be sourced locally from Guaranteed Irish members, helping to reduce the environmental impact of projects of all sizes while supporting jobs and businesses in Ireland.

Guaranteed Irish House companies

All companies listed on the Guaranteed Irish House portal are based in Ireland or contribute to the Irish economy and communities nationwide. The register can be found on the Guaranteed Irish website and includes all products from local sources required to build or retrofit a house or any building type in Ireland.

Data Centre Ireland

Companies are listed under the following categories: Retrofitting, Concrete & Aggregates, Energy Efficiency, Circular Economy, Property, Commercial Services, External Structures, Furnishing, Hardware DIY, Roofs, Plumbing, Insulation, Waste Management, Windows and Doors, Timber and Steel, Electrical, Renewable Energy, Floors, Walls, Heating, Gardens.

Clémence Jamet, Operations & Sustainability Manager, Guaranteed Irish, administers the Guaranteed Irish House programme and is promoting member firms that are committed to sustainability while at the same supporting jobs at a local level.

She says that by specifying or purchasing products manufactured in Ireland, specifiers could reduce the carbon footprint of their projects.

“While it is nearly impossible to source products that are 100% manufactured using Irish-produced raw materials, if producers can show that a high percentage of the raw materials are sourced locally, they will help customers further reduce the environmental impact of their developments,” Clémence Jamet explains. “Jobs and Community are two of the three pillars of Guaranteed Irish. By buying locally, construction firms are supporting jobs in local communities. The long-term future of Irish producers and the quality of jobs they can offer are guaranteed by firms making this choice.”

Clémence Jamet continues by saying that her role as operations and sustainability manager is twofold. “First, I am supporting our members in their sustainability journey and promoting their initiatives. Then, my role is also to educate our members. We will be running regular masterclasses starting in the coming months around sustainability supply chain and new EU regulations coming down the line that will impact all sectors of the industry.”

Guaranteed Irish House membership

Any producer operating in the construction sector that would be interested in becoming a Guaranteed Irish licence holder and gaining a listing on the Guaranteed Irish House register should complete a membership application form. They will then be appraised with due diligence being carried out on their products.

Companies can become Guaranteed Irish members based on the criteria that they support jobs, communities, and that their products or services have a physical provenance of being homegrown, or that at least 50% more added value is put on the product or service in Ireland.

To learn more about Guaranteed Irish House, email Clemence Jamet at clemence@guaranteedirish.ie or visit www.guaranteedirishhouse.ie

Economy, Latest, Sustainability