The formal launch of the Build Digital Project took place on Thursday, 07 April.
The event was opened with a video message from Minister Michael McGrath of the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform.
Minister McGrath’s address reiterated his department’s announcement in November 2021 of the funding of €2.5m from the Department of Public Expenditure and Reform that was awarded to the Build Digital Project for a five-year period to build momentum in digital adoption for the Irish construction sector.
“After five years, the project will have increased the use of digital methods across the entire Irish construction and built environment sector. The regional spread of those involved in the Build Digital Project, in partnership with TU Dublin, is critical and will see the rollout of these initiatives across the country. Project partners include the Construction IT Alliance, Munster Technological University, Galway Mayo Institute of Technology (now Atlantic TU), University College Dublin, and Waterford Institute of Technology (soon to be South East TU).”

The presentations that followed included an overview of the Build Digital project by Project Director Avril Behan, which included an outline of its role in relation to Housing for All.
Project Lead Robert Moore brought the audience through the programme for 2022, year one of five.
Industry representative Tim Ferris of Jones Engineering and Chairman of the CIF’s Construction 4.0 Group spoke about modernising the Irish construction sector and the role of the project to influence practice by bringing all of the industry on a supported journey.
Finally, Industry Lead Pat Lucey closed out the event by explaining the next steps for the Build Digital Project
To learn more about the Build Digital Project, visit www.builddigitalproject.ie