Walls Construction ’s turnover in 2023 was €570m, an increase of 21% over the previous year, and the company is projecting that its 2024 turnover will exceed €625m. The business employs almost 500 staff and operates in a range of sectors, including large residential schemes, commercial offices, data centres, education, industrial, leisure, and pharma.
Total Turnover:
ROI Turnover:
Walls Construction business plan
The company’s business plan envisages continued steady growth into the future, underpinned by its client base, financial strength, and having the appropriate management structures and resources in place. To that end, in the past 12 months, Walls has continued to retain and attract appropriately experienced senior management which ensures capacity to meet both its growth ambitions and clients’ expectations.
Walls continues to meet the targets it set for itself as the business emerged from the pandemic a couple of years ago, as Covid focused the industry’s thinking and elevated the importance of key issues such as the future of work, ESG planning, diversification, and digital transformation.

Data centre focus
As part of its strategic response, Walls set targets to increase its activity in certain sectors such as data centres, life sciences and education. Data centres is now a business division for Walls with a workload including the ongoing development of the DUB10 campus for its client Echelon, with two 30MW data halls delivered and another 30MW under construction.
Walls Construction residential growth
Residential construction accounted for more than 50% of Walls turnover in 2023, and working with government bodies such as the Land Development Agency and other state-backed housing organisations, Walls has strengthened its position in this sector.
Walls continues to deliver medium and large-scale projects for private developers such as Marlet, Park Developments, Royalton, and Ardstone, and recently it commenced a large residential project for Castlethorn in Dublin 11.
Educational and commercial development
Walls also has a strong history in the delivery of third-level educational projects, and this year will see the completion of the new DCU Polaris building on Collins Avenue, and the continuation of the UCD Centre for Future Learning on the Belfield campus. Walls traditionally had a firm footing in the pharma and life sciences sector. However, there is a renewed focus on pharma and life sciences and a desire to increase its turnover in industrial contracts. This has resulted in the company successfully securing projects with Merch, Bausch & Lomb, and Hovione in the past six months.
Similarly, in the food and beverage sector, Walls has been awarded the new Diageo brewery, which is about to commence construction in county Kildare. Winning a strategically important project for such a large global client is another significant step for Walls in its diversified growth plan.
Walls Construction people
Walls’ client offering is, first and foremost, its people, who are highly qualified in their area of responsibility and professionally driven to deliver the best for their colleagues and Walls’ clients.

No 5: Walls Construction Ltd
ADDRESS: Rosemount House, Northern Cross, Malahide Road, Dublin 17.
PHONE: 01 867 3800
WEB: www.walls.ie
LINKEDIN: Walls Construction
TWITTER: @WallsConstruct
INSTAGRAM: @walls_construction
KEY EXECUTIVES: Eugene O’Shea, CEO; Willie White, Chief Commercial Officer; Adrian Corcoran, COO; Frank Kelly, COO; Barry Hennessy, Business Development & Marketing Director.
KEY ACTIVITIES: Main Contractor
YEAR-END: 31/12/2023